Thy Kingdom Come
Every day, thousands of people in Ireland pray the “Our Father”, but there is a danger that these precious words can be merely an empty repetition that engages neither the…
Sure and certain hope through faith in Christ
Every day, thousands of people in Ireland pray the “Our Father”, but there is a danger that these precious words can be merely an empty repetition that engages neither the…
Only one way? Isn’t that narrow-minded? One of the objections against Christianity is that it is arrogant to say that Christianity is the only way to God. Many people would…
The death of the Lord Jesus was foretold by the ancient Hebrew prophets long before His birth in Bethlehem. In fact, He was born expressly for the purpose of dying…
The ancient historian, Luke, records for us the encounter of two disciples with a stranger on the road to Emmaus. These two disciples were walking the eleven kilometres from Jerusalem…
All around this country, we see crosses and crucifixes adorning churches and cemeteries, and worn as jewellery. It is remarkable that what was designed in ancient times as the most…
As we read the Gospel of John, we notice that there is a very distinct transition that takes place at the start of chapter 13. Up until that point, John…
While modern society’s materialistic worldview tries to convince us that true happiness is found in houses, cars, food, clothes, and gadgets, we all know by experience that material things can…
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6 Many people consider this claim by the Lord Jesus to…
Many people are hoping to get to heaven because they believe they are basically good. They are convinced they have never done anything deserving of hell, and since God is…
John’s Gospel records seven great “I am” statements that the Lord Jesus used to identify Himself. Some of these are linked to the seven great miracles of Jesus that John…