While modern society’s materialistic worldview tries to convince us that true happiness is found in houses, cars, food, clothes, and gadgets, we all know by experience that material things can never truly satisfy. As Jesus said, “Watch out and guard yourself from all types of greed, because one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions,” (Luke 12:15, NET).
We know that our greatest joys in life come from relationships. The joys of friendship, of falling in love, and of becoming a parent are the things that truly make life rich and rewarding. It has often been said that on their deathbed no one will ever say, “I wish I had spent more time at the office!” But many come to the end of their lives wishing they had spent more time with their loved ones.
Why is that? Surely it is because we have been made by a God whose very essence is love (1 John 4:8). The God of the Bible is not a solitary, lonely God but a complex, life-giving Trinitarian God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Even as we speak of “Father” and “Son” we recognise a family relationship, a bond that is deep, lasting and satisfying. God did not create because He was lonely, since He eternally shared companionship with His Son. But He wanted to freely share that love with others and made us in His image so we could enjoy fellowship with Him.
Sadly, that fellowship was broken by the entrance of sin into the world (Genesis 3). Though God had warned that sin would be punished by death (Genesis 2:16-17), Adam and Eve doubted both God’s goodness and His Word, and rebelled against Him. Then they instinctively hid from Him in shame. God’s justice demanded that He punish their sin but His love longed to restore them to fellowship with Himself. So He graciously determined to accept a suitable animal to be sacrificed as a substitute in the sinner’s place.
The Bible teaches that ever since sin came into the world, we have all been born separated from God by our sin (Ephesians 2:1). Yet God sent His only Son to be our substitute, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). God’s Word promises that if we will receive His Son by believing what the Bible says about who He is and what He did on the cross for us, our sins will be forgiven and we will be granted the right to become something we never were before: children of God (John 1:12). Those who believe are brought into His family and can call Him Abba, Father (Romans 8:15-17). They are no longer strangers and foreigners but members of His household (Ephesians 2:18-19). They can enjoy fellowship with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3). This is the abundant life that Jesus came to bring (John 10:10).
That is why Christians insist that Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship. It’s not about performing rituals; it’s about knowing the Father through His Son. Jesus said: “This is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent,” (John 17:1-3). So through prayer, we speak to God; and through the Bible, we get to know Him as He reveals His character, His will, and His promises to us.
If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, please contact us. We’d love to tell you more about the joy of knowing God.