Only One Way?
Only one way? Isn’t that narrow-minded? One of the objections against Christianity is that it is arrogant to say that Christianity is the only way to God. Many people would ...

What matters most?
While modern society’s materialistic worldview tries to convince us that true happiness is found in houses, cars, food, clothes, and gadgets, we all know by experience that material things can ...

How good is good enough?
Many people are hoping to get to heaven because they believe they are basically good. They are convinced they have never done anything deserving of hell, and since God is ...

Do you believe in Mary?
When I tell people in Ireland that I am a Christian, they often want to know what kind of Christian. Sadly, the simplicity and unity that Jesus Christ intended when ...

Does it matter what I believe?
Some years back, a terrible tragedy struck. A batch of pain relievers was purposely contaminated with poison, and a number of unsuspecting victims died using them. They had sincerely believed ...

Does God exist?
The question of God’s existence is at the very heart of Christianity. The majority of people in Ireland still accept this belief but there is growing opposition to this fundamental ...

What about faith healers?
Some people are anti-supernatural. They insist that there must be a natural explanation for everything that happens, whether it is the healing of a child with cancer, the safe landing ...

Why is there so much suffering?
Pain. Darkness. Death. Despair. Sooner or later, every one of us is confronted by the reality of suffering and evil in this world. As a result, some have experienced deep ...

Why do Christians believe in the Trinity?
“If Christianity was something we were making up, of course we could make it easier. But it is not. We cannot compete, in simplicity, with people who are inventing religions ...