Month: November 2021

Son of God

The New Testament makes clear that the title “Son of God” is essential to a correct understanding of the identity of Jesus of Nazareth. Notice how Mark begins his Gospel:…

The Word

The New Testament contains four independent testimonies to the Lord Jesus Christ. While they obviously contain much material that is similar, they each provide a unique perspective on the life…


One of the most important issues at the heart of the Gospel message is the identity of Jesus: “Who is this?” “What kind of man is this…?” To understand His…


We must never make the mistake of thinking that “Christ” is Jesus’s last name! It is a title, and a glorious title at that. “Christ” is the Greek equivalent of…


When we are first introduced to someone, the first thing we learn about them is their name. As the New Testament opens, it introduces us to its major character, Jesus.…